Putting an eye on the sky, the clouds looked a few hours off from storming so I continued on. The storms lately have been particularly violent with lightning strikes, hail and torrents of rain. I intended not to be caught in one of those. Along the trail I went, noticing the animals, trees, rocks, the tiny snow bushes that were popping up. I saw Jefferey pine cones and remembered to a backpacking trip with my Dad years ago where he taught me to recognize the difference between Jefferey pine and Ponderosa pine. He told me that "gentle" Jefferies didn't poke your hands when you cradle them in your hand like "prickly" Ponderosa do.
Tahoe is such an amazing riding destination. The mixture of granite sand, pine duff, summer rains and high mountain views is so alluring. Not to mention the quality of riding. I had been staring out windows for over a month waiting for signs that snow was clear enough to allow me on trails. The summer does, however, provide riders with an added challenge in recognizing weather. Back in Santa Cruz I would ride, no matter what. For years I went out on the soggiest days, and loved it basically because there's so little risk! Here if you get caught in a storm, you start wondering if you've seen all the things you wanted to in your life, for it's flashing before your eyes. If it isn't a warm summer start pounding lightning or hail, you get caught in one of those freak cold storms that happen to dump a foot of snow. Basically, mountain weather knowledge, survival skills and common sense are imperative here.
Star lake turned out to be far more beautiful and quiet than I expected! But I spent little time there knowing that before long lightning would be striking this high barren ridges. I must have been around 9000' or more. Lightning was not the only thing I would have to worry about because the elevation was starting to get to me. I mis-judged the exertion required on the initial trip back, and before long I was very tired and fearing the sections of cliff-lined trail that lie ahead as I was starting to wilt a little. Turns out I made it through okay with regard to the cliffs, but fared far worse once I finally made it home... I was still amazed that as soon as I dropped off the trail onto Quaking Aspen Ln. I had all of 30 to walk to my house. But the fun was yet to begin as I developed a nice sized headache and some persistant nausea. I laid down with needles in my arm and allowed the nausea to fade. Two needles shook off my nausea in about 30 seconds. After than I dropped an aspirin under my tongue to avoid needing to throw it up, and within minutes the headache faded. As I sit here now the skies have opened up into madness. Hail is berating my car and the world around as lightning is striking overhead sending large cracks through the house, powerful and near enough to jump the electricity in the house. To this day I cannot help flinching at the sound of intense thunder, reminding me how meagerly insignificant we humans actually are. The skies are dark and menacing. Dry and warm, no longer sick I enjoy the rest that comes from a good long ride.
PS: My previous opinion of SRAM components remains. My cassette came loose...again, the derailer rattled, the shifters felt loose and grinding. I'm scraping the whole lame system as soon as I can. Aluminum-spline freewheel hubs are garbage too.
Star Lake
How do you get squirrels to ride bikes with you?
Glad to see your getting the legs moving. We need to get up there to do some altitude training with you.
Sram components rule. Shifting is supreme and top notch! Can't be beat. I suspect you want your shadow back now?
I got a night riding ticket with coach and it's 354.00 freakin dollars!!!
YIKES! To both of you! Glad you had a good adventure Jesse and got home safely. And Dusty?! Oh man that really blows!
Yes, let's get some Miracle time in Tahoe!
The squirrels all ride full rigid singlespeeds up here. They are badass!
I actually do want to get that shadow back sometime soon. I'd like to see if I can get my Shimano drive train on there.
$345?!?! Where were you riding?!
bruce lee said "be like water"
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